Thursday 27 November 2014

62: Deep Shock (4.05)

1980; 46 minutes
Written by Ruel Fischmann; Produced by Robert Bennett Steinhauer, Karen Harris, Jill Sherman
Directed by Reza S Badiyi

Whilst trying to help out a colleague on a construction site David is changed into the Hulk, who receives a powerful electric shock.  Comatosed David is taken to hospital where he finds, after awakening two days later, that the shock has somehow triggered fleeting tendencies towards premonition.  He's disturbed to foresee him (as Hulk) seriously injuring the aforementioned colleague in a later event whose preliminary circumstances are currently still enshrouded in mystery.  His attempts to leave, primarily in order to avoid the premonition becoming truth, are then thwarted when his friend loses control after being made redundant.  This appears to be leading David to a point where he cannot avoid a certain future.

Quite an intriguing idea doesn't start well with Hulk's first rather contrived and lazy appearance, quite early in the episode compared to most.  The question of whether the events of the future can be averted in any way is tackled to some extent, although mainly through the occurrences within the story rather than any philosophical dialogue exchange.  It does all build towards a reasonably entertaining climax, with McGee once again very close to his obsession.  I never could quite figure out though why this ace reporter never carries a camera, particularly as many people who he attempts to convince of the Hulk's existence refuse to believe him...

Number of Fists: ***

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